8 Free Approaches To Marketing For Small Business

8 Free Approaches To Marketing For Small Business

Marketing a small business with an even smaller budget will test your ability to think outside the box. Here are some tips to promote your business with little or no cost.

Don’t let your lack of funds scare you, there are lots of ways to sell your business without spending a big chunk of your budget.

Elevator Pitch

Every business owner should prepare a six to eight-second pitch that describes the central focus of what they do. What if you step on an elevator with Warren Buffet and he asks what you do?

Craft a killer response and have it ready to go at a moment’s notice.

Cross Promotion

Selling soda and pizza together is a great cross-promotion. Is there a product that you can bundle with yours to sell as one package to your target customer?

Give it some thought. You may find a new channel for selling your products, which ultimately increases your sales.


When business owners hear “networking,” they usually think about meeting strangers at a cocktail party. That’s one option, but there are other ways to use networking to expand your marketing efforts at little or no cost.

Give a speech, volunteer in your community, host a free class or sponsor a team. Use these opportunities to build brand awareness and, at the same time, increase your credibility as an expert in the field.

Build Relationships

The old saying is true — it’s cheaper to keep the customers you have than to find new ones.

Take time to establish relationships with your customers. That means being helpful and professional, but also making a note of special occasions (such as birthdays) and dropping emails when applicable. Building a connection with your customers is crucial to maintaining open communication.


It’s easier than ever to offer discounts through social media channels. Take advantage of this free way to sell.

Make the coupon code different for each promotion and watch to see where your best results occur. Another option is to offer a free gift or trial. Consumers love to try before they buy. Just make sure your budget can handle this type of give-away if it takes off!

Email Lists

Use email lists to send customers coupons, new product news, or a monthly newsletter. Some of the email management services are pretty cheap or free. Consider a pop-up window on your website to ask customers to opt-in to this service.

Search Engines

There are also free ways to get your business to perform better in local searches. Check to see if Yelp is a good fit for you, it’s free and can raise your visibility. You can also create a free Google My Business account for local searches, including Google Maps and Google+.


Does your product have a core group of consumers that would like to know more? Consider starting a free Facebook group.

Be careful to center the topics around a theme, not around your business. For example, if you sell organic dog treats, you could form a group for dog owners who want the best life for their pets.

Get Started Today!

These are just a few ways to invest some of your time and very little of your money. Taking advantage of what’s readily available and free to use is a great place to start when it comes to marketing on a budget.

To learn more, give Sheles Wallace a call today! She can help you consider the options and make a plan for success!

About the author, Sheles Wallace

Sheles is an award-winning business coach who gets results for her clients.

For over 15 years, she has helped business owners achieve their goals and

take their businesses to the next level. If you're ready to take the next

step in your business evolution and go from an owner who wears all hats to

creating a commercial, profitable enterprise that runs without you, find out

more here: https://calendly.com/sheles/introduction