3 Phrases To Have It All: Be Aligned In Business And Relationships

3 Phrases To Have It All: Be Aligned In Business And Relationships

The truth is, you can have only one #1 priority in life. With that statement, people often mistake that they can only fulfill one area of their life. In this blog, we will bust the longstanding myth and prove that you CAN have it all with your partner in business together.

In fact, you can have:

>A profitable business model that can run on automation, WITHOUT COMPROMISING the passion in your relationship.

>Aligned business goals, WITHOUT COMPROMISING your boundaries as a couple.

>New business opportunities to look forward to WITHOUT FEELING overwhelmed or left behind in your relationship.

It’s all about having the right strategies and habits at play.

Whatever stage your business is in, it can be quite a task to simultaneously maintain a happy partnership without being overwhelmed by business related mishaps. With that in mind, we rounded up 3 key points from our recent interviews inside our CIB community. They are a great reminder that successful relationships and business not only EXIST but THRIVE.

1. "Whatever he does doesn't matter as much as the fact that we're both fighting for the same dreams"

Names: Karen and Max Sanchez

What is your business about:

Our business is Financial Services. My target audience is married couples.

Link: https://linktr.ee/Kesr63

What came first, love or business?

Ha! Love.

It's a great story. I went out to a club on Thursday night with some friends. Apparently we had a mutual friend that introduced us. I thought, "This is what love at first sight feels like," but we were only introduced. We never got each other numbers or anything.

The next day I had an interview at a bank. Guess who was the manager interviewing me????

You guessed it! My future husband hahaha.

What a small world right? God's ways are beyond amazing.

A month after we met we started dating and my husband transferred to another branch. We have been together now for 20 years, married 18.

Individually, what are your main roles?

My husband has been a financial advisor for over 15 years. I joined the business full-time after firing my boss 8 years ago this October.

His role is to meet with clients and help them plan a GPS for their financial goals and dreams. By educating them to budget, save and invest, eliminate debt, etc.

My roles today vary. I am licensed, just like him, in financial services. I could help clients if he needs me to cover an appointment, but my day-to-day is to serve as his marketing team.

I put together marketing and promote our Financial Wellness Workshops.

I help with client relations and putting together events either for our agents or clients.

What are the common problems you two face in business together?

We are very blessed to say we haven't really had problems between us, specifically in the business. My husband has always said, "Do whatever you love doing in the business," so he's never really given me an assignment. However, as much as that was a blessing. I would say that can also hurt a business if there is no direction.

Because of the freedom we are always together and then work becomes play.

I think we enjoy each other's company and that can be a distraction.

How are you able to separate emotion and not bring those feelings into your personal relationship?

You can't!

Do you know the foundation to a great marriage and a great business partnership is communication? We always talk about our dreams and goals so we both have the same dreams and goals. And that is the same for our family. We discuss all of that and I feel that because we're always fighting for the same goals, any time that we have any issues in the business we just bring it to the table right away. The last thing you want is any lingering feelings. One of the biggest reasons I see other couples not successful in working together is due to a lack of communication as far as each other's roles. The truth is that even if you don't have the roles identified, there has to be goals identified and it's kind of like whatever I do or whatever he does doesn't matter as much as the fact that we're both fighting for the same dreams.

As a wife, I have no problem submitting to my husband and letting him lead when it comes to family and business because he has earned my respect and he gets the job done in business and at home.

Best thing about working in a business with your partner?

I get to hang out with my best friend all day long. We get to talk about our business during breakfast, plan new strategies during lunch and discuss our dreams and goals during dinner. We’re constantly talking about where we’re headed. And I love the fact that the life that we live today is the life that we dreamed about 10 years ago. Now, we’re nowhere near where we wanna be yet but it’s great to see the fruits of your labor, the fruits of your planning and the fruits of great communication as business partners. Above all, God is always our foundation. We know that we give him all the glory and none of this would be possible without him so the best part about working together I would say is building my dream life with my best friend.

2. “We try to slow down the emotions and work through things together”

Names: Matt and Heather Cook

What is your business about:

We are a ministry reaching out to marriages and families, providing hope, encouragement and practical insight into having the marriage and family of their dreams.

Link: https://ajoyfulfamily.square.site/

What came first, love or business? Love!

Individually, what are your main roles?

We are actually doing this together, launching a new full-time ministry and continuing to work out our roles.

What are the common problems you two face in business together?

Maintaining the balance between being together and too much togetherness.

How are you able to separate emotion and not bring those feelings into your personal relationship?

The phrase, "Why does this bother me?" is a great gauge to know if we are being emotional or have a logical reason to address an issue. It means we try to slow down the emotions and work through things together.

Best thing about working in a business with your partner?

We get to live our dreams together! We wake up each day excited to love each other and help people.

3. “We both have different strengths. We motivate, encourage and help each other out”

Names: Anna and Adam

What is your business about:

Our vlog is about travel - most specifically in Colorado right now. Our target audience are people who want to travel but can't or love binge watching videos about other people’s lives. :)

Link: https://linkin.bio/annadandadam

What came first, love or business? LOVE

Individually, what are your main roles?

Adam - Video editor, video creator

Anna - Planner, photographer, social media content creator

What are the common problems you two face in business together?

Not enough time to edit and put out content on a weekly basis. We both work full-time.

How are you able to separate emotion and not bring those feelings into your personal relationship?

We’ve been together for almost 16 years. We met at work and worked well together. We are really good about communicating and working through whatever problems are bothering us.

Best thing about working in a business with your partner?

He’s my best friend. We both have different strengths. We motivate, encourage and help each other out.

If there is one thing I learned about these three beautiful couples, it is that they enjoy working with their partners.

There is nothing short of magic when you see couples in business thrive together. It takes skill, love, patience, and so much more.

Seeing as you made it to the end, you may find yourself aspiring more from your relationship and business. As a gift, I would love to invite you to a 20 minute success call where I can help you untangle the challenges you face as a couple (such as communication, expectation or bringing back the passion) or those related to growing your business (leadership, pivots, or developing the right business systems to scale).